Do you want to be rich? who doesn’t! but are you thinking of being rich or are you thinking of your lack of money? Being rich is not a privilidge of only a few. But you must know that the rich have habits that only a few people care to cultivate.
There are numerous world famous people like Henry Ford, Thomas A Edison who became rich and famous with nothing, but determination and their habits.
Most of the time we lack money because of our own ignorance, and the negative cycle of bad habit patterns. All of this drives the money away from us. So here I am going to share 10 good habits to be rich.
10 habits to be rich

1. Keep your house tidy
There is a famous proverb “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”
When our house is dirty and full of all the clutter, evil i.e. negativity will make its house. We are here to attract the positivity, the richness, abundance so we must get rid of all the unused things and clutter and always keep it clean and beautiful.
Living in a clean house makes our mind clean, light and open to think good thoughts.
My house is very old, but I try to keep it clean, neat and beautiful. I decorate it with the plants and flowers from my small garden. When I see my room green, neat tidy I feel peace and happy. This set of mind of peacefulness and happiness is all required to attract anything good in life- abundance of wealth health and happiness.
2. Help others
Give unconditional help to others. People are always longing for help whether they are rich or poor.
Help is not always financial we can give help to someone with smile, we can give hope and encouragement to one in distress, food to poor, little financial help of our capacity to the person who is actually in need of money.
By giving we attract more. You give, and the universe will give you more. We are here in this planet to help each other. We are send here to give help. We are here to be the medium because God cannot be present himself to offer help.
The more hope you give, the more hope you gain in your life. The more financial help you give, more money will come to you from unexpected sources.
I have experienced this in my life. I and my daughter were always in lack of money as my salary was very low and my daughter was still studying back then.
It was very hard but I always extended my help to those who are more in need. I was creating good causes for us. Extending help is so important. Now my daughter got secure job as soon as she completed her Masters and we are financially sound now.
She too has her own blog which is doing very well.
3. Buy only very essential things
We often end up shopping buying things which are not necessary and spending more money on them.
Our monthly budget gets disturbed and in the end, we become stressed. Avoid this by making a list of very essential things to buy and carrying your cash not card.
This way you will not be able to buy other stuff. This habit will help you to save more money.
Read this post to know how to save money with little income
4. Plan your budget
Planning the budget at the beginning of each month is very essential. It will give you the idea of your cash, how much you have and how much you can spend whole month.
Keep 10% of your income separately for yourself. This habit of keeping 10% I learnt from the famous book “The Richest Man in Babylon”.
This 10% is your own. It is not for spending on any things, but for multiplying your income. Trust me it works. And you will see that it will not make any difference in your budget.
You can use the money you save from your 10 % after a year or in your own comfortable way to make certain investments. I used my money to start my own blog and to buy different courses to learn about blogging.
I have started doing this at the age of 50. If I would have read the book early, it would have been much better, but it is never too late to start anything at any age. Age is just a number.
5. Follow morning rituals
Rich people have morning rituals that helps them have a great start to their day.
If you want to be rich, wake up early and offer gratitude, pray for the peace, happiness, prosperity, strength and wisdom for the day, exercise, and meditate.
Here is my morning routine I have been following diligently since many years.
This simple morning ritual will connect you to the universe. Slowly and gradually you will be the source of all joy.
You will become like a magnet to attract any thing you are dreaming for. To receive things from the universe you have to be in its alignment so morning habits is a must habit to be rich
6. Talk only about abundance
Cut out any negative words from your mind. Keep and use only positive words about abundance if you want to have abundance of wealth or any other form of abundance.
Look around. See and feel the abundance. The universe and nature’s nature is to give. There is unlimited source of energy from the sun, uncountable stars, brilliant warmth from the moon, varieties of plants, animals, flowers and so many more things.
The wealth you desire to have is also in the universe. You just need an alignment with the universe to attract it to you. Cultivate this habit to talk about abundance.
And if you find it hard to talk about abundance, then atleast don’t talk about lack. Never talk about lack, or you will always remain in lack.
7. Stop complaining
Stop immediately the habit of complaining. We complain too much for each and every thing, for rain, for sun, for snow, for traffic, for food, and to our near ones unlimited complains for not listening, for being stubborn so on and so forth.
When we complain we block the good things on our way and our life keeps on rolling with even more complains.
Take every moment gracefully, Practice with one day. Just make determination that you will not complain for 24 hours.
If it comes you just let go and be aware. Try not to repeat. You will feel happy at the end of the day for your achievement. You will possess the most beautiful habit to attract abundance of any form.
8. Read books about wealth and abundance
Reading is of the most important habits to be rich. While practising good habit it will be very helpful to read books. Books teach and inspire us to walk in the path of fulfilment.
It is the best guide for our life unless you choose good books. It is the constant companion to help you not to give up with good habits.
Books such as The Monk who sold his Ferrari, The secret, The Alchemist, The power of subconscious mind, Think and Grow Rich helped me to change my mindset about wealth and abundance.
And don’t forget to add the richest man in Babylon which will help you to teach how to multiply wealth.these books helped to build strong characters.
I am trying to help you with my experience but if you read and apply as soon as possible the journey to become rich will be shorter.
9. Offer gratitude
Rich people are rich not just in money, but in heart. To be truly rich, cultivate the habit to offer gratitude. Offering gratitude is the most important thing to offer to the Universe. Be grateful for each and everything moment to moment.
To be grateful is to be mindful. It is an act of compassion and courage. By offering gratitude you are building your own character strong. By being grateful you attract more grateful things in your life.
10. Clear your debts
The most important habit if you want to be rich is to get rid of debt immediately. Unless you are free of all debts, you will never be rich.
Every month as soon as you receive your money keep the amount to clear the debt.
It doesn’t matter if the amount you want to return is very less and the debt huge. Give away that little amount too. This practice will help you to clear your debt faster. Cut down your expenses until you are not free from debts.
You can read my blog Best personal finance tips to help you manage your finance.
Final Thoughts On How To Become Rich
We are born as a human being to enjoy the richness of life. It is good to earn money and enjoy life to the fullest.
All forms of abundance come from the universe. It is very important to make the alignment with the universe. Be the magnet to attract good health, wealth, happiness, peace and prosperity.
We can be the magnet only by becoming a best version of ourselves. These 10 good habits will surely help you to become the best version of you.
Here is a recap of the 10 rich habits that will surely make you rich!

- Keep your house neat and clean
- Help others
- Buy only very essential things
- Plan your budget
- Follow morning rituals
- Practice to talk only abundance
- Stop complaining
- Read books
- Offer gratitude
- Clear your debts fast
You can achieve with perseverance and diligent practice.
Have faith in you and the universe.